KU CORPI Database System - BINPAS, DEMO version
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BINPAS Editorial board

BINPAS involves an editorial board consisting of the chief editor and managing editors. Any invasive species expert can be granted editor rights under mutual agreement with the chief editor. Each editor is responsible for verifying entries according to their experience and for supervising new data entries and for those that have been already entered, some of which, may require changes. In addition, editors are responsible for ensuring the quality of the data by communicating with contributors.

Core of BINPAS editorial board:

Editorial board

Editorial board members:

  • Sergej Olenin, chief editor, Coastal Research and Planning Institute, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
  • Anastasija Zaiko, Coastal Research and Planning Institute, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
  • Anna Occhipinti, Dipartimento di Ecologia del Territorio, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italia
  • Bella S. Galil, National Institute of Oceanography, Israel
  • Dan Minchin, Marine Organism Investigations, Killaloe, Ireland
  • Darius Daunys, Coastal Research and Planning Institute, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
  • Esther Lubzens, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Haifa, Israel
  • Henn Ojaveer, University of Tartu, Estonian Marine Institute, Estonia
  • Stephan Gollasch, GOLLASCH CONSULT, Germany
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Short note
Bioinvasion impact of Lupinus polyphyllus was assessed for Žemaitija National Park, Lithuania. It causes strong biopollution (BPL=3) there.
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Last assessed species
Amynthas gracilis

Corbicula fluminea

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