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Zita Gasiūnaitė

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Born r.jpg (752 bytes)
October 9, 1970 in Pasvalys, Lithuania

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Position r.jpg (752 bytes)
Since 1994 assistant at Department of Ecology, Klaipeda University

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Research thrusts r.jpg (752 bytes)
Population ecology, hydroecology. Currently working on Curonian zooplankton spatio-temporal heterogeneity.

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Education r.jpg (752 bytes)
Vilnius University, biologist, 1993
Thesis title: Growth, population dynamics and productivity of planktonic crustaceans
Klaipeda University, Ph.D. in ecology, 2000
Ph.D. thesis title: Seasonal dynamics and spatial heterogeneity of the plankton crustaceans in the eutrophic coastal lagoon

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Pedagogical activities r.jpg (752 bytes)
Courses in Population Ecology at the Klaipeda University (undergraduate level)
Supervising of BS student projects in ecology

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Professional societies r.jpg (752 bytes)
Convener of the BMB (Baltic Marine Biologists) Working Group 29 on Zooplankton

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Relevant training courses r.jpg (752 bytes)
The Baltic Sea Environment (international televised course), Uppsala University, Sweden, from 1991 to 1992
World Wide Web course, King's College, London, August 1996
Coastal Eutrophication: Effects, diagnosis and management, Kiel University, August 1997
Introduction into ecophysiology of aquatic animals, October, 1997

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Recent selection publications r.jpg (752 bytes)
Arbaciauskas K., Gasiunaite Z.R. Growth and fecundity of Daphnia after diapause and their impact on the development of a population. Hydrobiologia 320: 209-222, 1996.
Gasiunaite, Z.R., I. Olenina. Zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions: a possible explanation of the seasonal succession in the Kuršiu Marios lagoon. Hydrobiologia, 363: 333-339, 1998
Razinkovas, A., Z.R. Gasiunaite. The potential grazing by zooplankton and nektobenthic species on phytoplankton in an estuarine system: the Kuršiu Marios (Curonian) lagoon. Finnish Environment, 263: 44-51, 1999
S. Olenin, I. Olenina, D. Daunys, Z. Gasiunaite. The harbour profile of Klaipeda, Lithuania. In: S Gollash, E. Leppakoski (eds.) Initial Risk Assessment of Alien Species in Nordic Coastal Waters. Nord, 8: 185-202, 1999
Gasiunaite, Z.R., A. Razinkovas. The role of plankton and nectobenthic crustaceans in the primary production transformatios in the Kuršiu marios lagoon. Ekologija (in press)
Gasiunaite, Z.R. Couling of the limnetic and brackishwater plankton crustaceans in the Curonian lagoon (Baltic Sea). International Review of Hydrobiology (in press)
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BMB WG NEMO members

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