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Sergej Olenin

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Executive summary r.jpg (752 bytes)
Sergej Olenin received his MSc in Biology (1980) from the Kazan State University (Kazan, Russia) and PhD in Biology (1990) from the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Animal Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology (Moscow, Russia). Since 1980 he was involved in marine environmental monitoring in the Baltic Sea, working at the Environmental Control Laboratory (Klaipeda Hydrometeorological Observatory). Since 1992 he is a Senior Scientist at the Coastal Research and Planning Institute, Klaipeda University.
Dr. Olenin has published over 60 research papers on the ecology of marine bottom fauna, benthic biotopes, invasive species, environmental impact assessment. He collaborated in international R&D projects in the EU, the Nordic Council of Ministers, HELCOM, WWF, IMO, IOC-UNESCO, Nordic Academy for Advanced Studies.
Since 1999, Dr. S. Olenin is elected the President of the Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB), a non-governmental scientific organization, working in the field of biology and ecology of the Baltic Sea. Other professional memberships are: BMB Working Group 30 on Non-Indigenous Estuarine and Marine Organisms in the Baltic Sea (convener, 1994-2000, co-chairman since 2000); World Conservation Union (IUCN) Invasive Species Specialist Group (member since 1999); Advisory Council at the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Lithuania (member since 1998).

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Recent publications r.jpg (752 bytes)
1. Zmudzinski L., S. Chubarova, Z. Dobrowolski, P. Gruszka, I. Fall, S. Olenin, N. Wolnomiejski, 1997. Expansion of the spionid polychaete Marenzelleria viridis in the southern part of the Baltic Sea. Proc. 13th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium. A.Andrushaitis (editor), Riga, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Latvia: 127-130.
2. Olenin, S., 1997. Comparative study of the south-eastern Baltic coastal zone and the Curonian Lagoon bottom communities. Proc. 13th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium. A.Andrushaitis (editor), Riga, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Latvia: 151-159.
3. Olenin, S. and Leppäkoski, E., 1997. Non-native animals in the Baltic Sea: alteration of benthic habitats in coastal inlets and lagoons. Hydrobiologia, 393: 233-243.
4. Olenin S., I. Olenina, D. Daunys, Z. Gasiûnaitë, 1999. The harbour profile of Klaipëda, Lithuania. In: S. Gollasch and E. Leppäkoski (ed-s). Initial Risk Assessment of Alien Species in Nordic Coastal Waters. Nordic Council of Ministers. Nord, 1999, 8, 185-202.
5. Olenin, S., M. Orlova, D. Minchin, 1999. Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771). In: S. Gollasch, D. Minchin, H. Rosenthal, M. Voigt (ed-s). Case histories on introduced species: their general biology, distribution, range expansion and impact. Berlin: Logos-Verlag: 37-42.
6. Skora K., S. Olenin, S. Gollasch, 1999. Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1811). In: S. Gollasch, D. Minchin, H. Rosenthal, M. Voigt (ed-s). Case histories on introduced species: their general biology, distribution, range expansion and impact. Berlin: Logos-Verlag: 69-73.
7. Olenin, S. Ballast waters of ships and the problem of invasive species. Sea and Environment (Klaipeda), 1999, 1:54-62. (in Lithuanian, with English summary).
8. Olenin, S., S. Gollasch, S. Jonusas and I. Rimkutë, 2000., En-route investigations of plankton in ballast water on a ships´ voyage from the Baltic Sea to the open Atlantic coast of Europe. International Review of Hydrobiology, 85, 5-6, 577-596.
9. Daunys, D., S. Olenin and D. Schiedek. The Species Strategy Near Its Boundary: the Marenzelleria cf. viridis (Polychaeta, Annelida) Case in the Brackish Baltic Sea. International Review of Hydrobiology, 85, 5-6, 639-652
10. Gollasch, S., Rosenthal, H., Botnen, H., Laing, I., Leppäkoski, E., Macdonald, E., Minchin, D., Nauke, M., Olenin, S., Utting, S., Voigt, M. and Wallentinus, I. Survival rates of zooplankton taxa in ballast water during short-term and long-term ocean-going voyages. International Review of Hydrobiology, 85, 5-6, 597-609
11. Leppäkoski, E. and Olenin, S. Xenodiversity of the European brackish water seas: the North American contribution. In: Proc. of the National Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. MIT. Boston, USA. January 1999 (in press).
12. Leppäkoski, E. and Olenin, S. Non-native species and rates of spread: lessons from the brackish Baltic Sea. Biological invasions (in press).
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BMB WG NEMO members

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