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Marina Orlova

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Education r.jpg (752 bytes)
1990 PhD, Hydrobiology, (Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Leningrad / St. Petersburg)
1984 M.Sc., Biological Sciences (Biological Departament, Ivanovo State University, Russia)

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Post-doctoral training r.jpg (752 bytes)
1997 - Post-Graduate Course , August 5-14, 1997, Abo Academy University, Turku, Finland.
1994 - Visiting Scientists, Stockholm University, System Ecology Department, Stockholm, Sweden (grant for cooperation with states in the former Soviet Union).

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Carrier and academic experience r.jpg (752 bytes)
1984-1986 Teacher of Biology and Chemistry, Technical College, Ivanovo, Russia.
1987 - 1990: Ph. D. Course, Fishery Research institute, St. Petersburg.
1990 - 1991: Minor Research Scientists, Fishery Research institute, St-Petersburg.
1991-1992: Research Scientist, Fishery Research institute, St-Petersburg.
1992 - present: Research Scientist, Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg.

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Research interests r.jpg (752 bytes)
Biology of aquatic mollusks
Environmental requirements and adaptive capacities of brackishwater and marine invertebrate species
Community and ecosystem effects of alien species
Effects of antropogenic loads on invertebrate species populations
Benthos ecology
Littoral communities
Estuaries and Brackish Waters, Saline Lakes

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Professional societies r.jpg (752 bytes)
1992 - present: Russian Hydrobiological Society
2000 - present: Scientific Secretary of St.Petersburg Branch of Russian Hydrobiological Society
1999 - present Baltic Marine Biologists (BMB) Society, working group No 30 on non-indigenous Marine and Estuarine Organisms (NEMO)

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International research groups r.jpg (752 bytes)
1998 - present: BMB Working Group on Non-indigenous Estuarine and Marine Organisms
1997 - present: Ecology of European Sandy Beaches

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International conferences and workshops r.jpg (752 bytes)
2000 – ASLO2000 Meeting, 5-9, June, Kopenhagen, Denmark
1999 – 16th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium, 21-26 June, 1999, Klaipeda, Lithuania
1998 - NorFa International Workshop "Non-native species in the Baltic and Black Seas" 1-5 December, 1998, St-Petersburg, Russia
1998 - 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Capacities of Marine Invertebrates, Poland, 3-10 July, Gdansk Poland
1997 - NATO Advanced Research Workshop, "Biochemical cycling in Marine Sediments" 31 August - 6 September Gdynya, Poland
1995 - 30th European Marine Biology Symposium, 14-22 September, 1995, Southampton, UK
1993 - 2nd Estuary Symposium, 1-7 October, 1993, Gdynya, Poland

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Qualification & experience r.jpg (752 bytes)
There is rich experience of research in the field of environmental impacts on to living organisms in the ecosistems exposed to antropogenous loads. The main results of the researches have been reflected in selected publications and symposium presentations.

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Selected publications r.jpg (752 bytes)
Orlova M.I. 2000. Volgo-Caspian basin as donor area and recipient area for men-mediated introductions of aquatic invertebrates. Workshop “Non-indigenous species in European Seas of Russia” 27-28 January, 2000, Book of Abstracts: 45-48 (in Russian).
Orlova M.I. 1999. Organic matter and rates of primary production and decomposition in water column and bottom sediments at some coastal areas of the Northern Aral Sea with special reference to land-water zone. Eds. J. S. Gray et al. Biochemical Cycling in Marine Sediments. NATO ASI Series, 59: 35-62.
Orlova M.I., Panov V.E. Telesh I.V., Krylov P.I., Khlebovich V.V. 1999 Changes in plankton and benthos of the eastern Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) under biological invasions. Proc. of the Zoological institute RAS, Vol. 273 (in Russian).
Orlova M.I., Rusakova O.M. 1999. Characteristics of coastal phytoplankton near Cape Tastubec (northern Aral Sea), September, 1993. Int. J. of Salt Lakes Res. 8: 7-18.
Orlova M.I., Khlebovich V.V. and Komendantov A. Yu. 1998. Potential eurihalinity of Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) and Dreissena bugensis (Andr.). Russian Journal of Aquatic Ecology, 7: 17-28.
Orlova M.I., Aladin N.V., Filippov A.A., Plotnikov I.S., Smurov O.A., Rusakova O.M., Zhakova L.V., Piriulin D.D. 1998. The modern state of the Aral Sea biota. In: Reports on BMFT-UNESCO Aral Sea projects, 98-120.
Orlova M.I. and Komendantov A. Yu. 1997. Salinity responses of eurihaline mollusk Laternula limicola Reeve from Possiet Gulf (Sea of Japan). Responces of Marine organisms to their environment. Proc. of 30th EMBS. Proc. of Southampton University, pp. 35-47.
Filippov A.A., Orlova M.I., Plotnikov I.S., etc, 1998. Modern changes in plankton and benthos of the Sary-Chaganack Bay (Northern Aral Sea). Hydrobiological journal, 4: 55-61 (in Russian).
Orlova M.I. 1996. Primary production and decomposition in the coastal zone of the northern part of the Aral Sea near the delta of the Syr-Dar'ya. J. Salt Lakes Res.5(1):17-33.
Orlova M.I. and A.Yu. Komendantov. 1996. The influence of environmental salinity on filtration rates and gill epithelium activity in the eurihaline Bivalves from Gladkaya river estuary (Possiet Bay, the Sea of Japan). Estuarine ecosystems and species, Crangon 1: 65-72.
Komendantov A.Yu. and M.I.Orlova (1996) The effect of environmental salinity on the development of bivalve Laternula limicola Reeve, // Estuarine ecosystems and species, Crangon, n 1, p.p.43-47.
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BMB WG NEMO members

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