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Erkki Leppäkoski

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Executive summary r.jpg (752 bytes)
Prof. Dr. E. Leppäkoski is working on an international basis. His more than 100 publications cover a wide variety of subjects: marine pollution/eutrophication, biological indicators (macrozoobenthos), recovery and recolonization of damaged marine ecosystems, introduced species in European brackish-water seas, environmental problems in enclosed European seas under multiple stresses, aquatic biodiversity, eutrophication and habitat value, biogeography.
He has been involved in studies on non-native aquatic species in the Baltic Sea since the early 1980s and, since 1986, also in other European brackish-water areas (scientific stays in Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia.

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Currently involved r.jpg (752 bytes)
His main focus of the current work is on the ecology of brackish-water invasions and introductions - their invasion history, ecology and biogeography, and their impact on functional biodiversity in benthic communities; risk assessment of alien aquatic organisms in the Nordic area and in European brackish-water seas.
European Concerted Action Study: Testing Monitoring Systems for Risk.
Assessment of Harmful Introductions by Ships to European Waters (funded by the EU).
Aquatic Biodiversity, Euthrophication and Habitat Value. Cross-analysis of the Baltic Sea and the Lake Saimaa, Finland (funded by the Academy of Finland).

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Recent publications r.jpg (752 bytes)
1. Gollasch, S. & E. Leppäkoski (1999): Initial risk assessment of alien species in Nordic coastal waters. 1-124. In: Gollasch, S. & E. Leppäkoski (eds.) Initial risk assessment of alien species in Nordic coastal waters. Nord 1999: 8. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen. 244 pp.
2. Gollasch, S., Rosenthal, H., Botnen, H., Laing, I., Leppäkoski, E., Macdonald, E., Minchin, D., Nauke, M., Olenin, S., Utting, S., Voigt, M. and Wallentinus, I. Survival rates of zooplankton taxa in ballast water during short-term and long-term ocean-going voyages. International Review of Hydrobiology (in press).
3. Kraufvelin, P., B. Sinisalo, E. Leppäkoski, J. Mattila and E. Bonsdorff (2000). Changes in zoobenthic structure after pollution abatement from fish farms in the Arcipelago Sea (N Baltic Sea). Mar. Environ. Res. (in print).
4. Leppäkoski, E. & P. E. Mihnea (1996). Enclosed seas under man-induced change: A comparison between the Baltic and Black Seas. - Ambio 25: 380-389.
5. Leppäkoski, E. & S. Olenin (2000). Non-native species and rates of spread: lessons from the brackish Baltic Sea. Biological Invasions (in print).
6. Leppäkoski, E. & S. Olenin (2000). Xenodiversity of the European brackish water seas: the North American contribution. Proc First Ntl Conf Marine Bioinvasions. Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass., January 25-27, 1999 (in print).
7. Leppäkoski, E. (1994): Non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea. In: Boudouresque, C. F.; Briand, F. & Nolan, C. (eds.), Introduced species in European Coastal Waters. Report of an international workshop. Bd. 8, European Commission, Luxembourg, 67-75 pp.
8. Leppäkoski, E. (1994): The Baltic and the Black Sea - Seriously contaminated by nonindigenous species?. Proc. Conf. Wkshop. NOAA Seattle, USA, pp. 37-44.
9. Leppäkoski, E. (1999). Balanus improvisus (Darwin 1854). In: Exotics Across the Ocean. Case Histories on Introduced Species (Gollasch, S., D. Minchin, H. Rosenthal & M. Voigt; Eds). Logos Verlag, Berlin. pp. 49-54.
10. Leppäkoski, E., H. Helminen, J. Hänninen & M. Tallqvist (1999). Aquatic biodiversity under anthropogenic stress: an insight from the Archipelago Sea (SW Finland). Biodiv. Conserv. 8: 55-70.
11. Olenin, S. & E. Leppäkoski (1999). Non-native animals in the Baltic Sea: alteration of benthic habitats in coastal inlets and lagoons. - Hydrobiologia 393: 233-243.

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Homepages r.jpg (752 bytes)
Department and staff web site: http://www.abo.fi/fak/mnf/biol/eco (2000.08.06)
Exotics Across the Ocean. Homepage on the EU Concerted Action: "Testing Monitoring Systems for Risk Assessment of Harmful Introductions by Ships to European Waters" http://members.aol.com/sgollasch/sgollasch/index.htm.
Panov, V., Leppäkoski, E., and Ojaveer, H. (1999). Introduction of alien species into the Gulf of Finland - an increasing environmental problem. In: Group on Aquatic Alien Species. V.Panov, M.Dianov and A.Lobanov (eds.). http://www.zin.ru/projects/invasions/aliens3r.htm.
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BMB WG NEMO members

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