ECODUMP initiative presented to the non-EU audience

ECODUMP initiative presented to the non-EU audience

The first cross-border dissemination event of the ECODUMP project was organized by the Atlantic Branch of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS (ABIORAS) on 3-4 of June 2013 in Svetlogorsk. The main idea of the meeting was to involve relevant Russian authorities into the process of scientific knowledge and experience exchange and to discuss possibilities of further cooperation.

Moments from the Dissemination Event I in Russian Federation

The second day of the meeting was dedicated to the field study in order to draw attention of different stakeholder groups on the extreme sensitivity of south-eastern Baltic region, which suffers from the lack of sediments, participating in natural exchange, especially in the coastal zones. Correct location of the new offshore dumping areas could contribute to the improvement of sediment balance in the coastal areas and reduce the rates of coastal erosion.

Field trip to the most problematic coastal sectors of Sambian peninsula
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LIFE Programme Natura 2000