AquaNISInformation system on aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species |
Species | Celleporaria vermiformis [WoRMS] | |
Authority | (Waters, 1909) | |
Family | Lepraliellidae | |
Order | Cheilostomatida | |
Class | Gymnolaemata | |
Phylum | Bryozoa | |
Synonym (?) | ||
Sub-species level (?) | Not entered |
Native origin (?) | LME: 33. Red Sea LME: 32. Arabian Sea --> LME sub-region: Gulf of Oman References (not structured): Ulman, A. 2018. Recreational boating as a major vector of spread of nonindigenous species around the Mediterranean (Doctoral dissertation, Sorbonne Université). Comments: Western Indian Ocean |
Life form / Life stage (?) |
References (not structured): Ulman, A. 2018. Recreational boating as a major vector of spread of nonindigenous species around the Mediterranean (Doctoral dissertation, Sorbonne Université). |
Sociability / Life stage (?) |
References (not structured): Ulman, A. 2018. Recreational boating as a major vector of spread of nonindigenous species around the Mediterranean (Doctoral dissertation, Sorbonne Université). |
Reproductive frequency (?) | Iteroparous |
Reproductive type (?) | Asexual Sexual |
Developmental trait (?) | Brooding Planktotrophy |
Characteristic feeding method / Life stage (?) |
Mobility / Life stage (?) |
Salinity tolerance range (?) | Venice system: 7. Euhaline [30-40psu] References: Ulman, A. 2018. Recreational boating as a major vector of spread of nonindigenous species around the Mediterranean (Doctoral dissertation, Sorbonne Université). |
Habitat modifying ability potential (?) | Autogenic ecosystem engineers |
Toxicity / Life stage (?) | Not relevant |
Bioaccumulation association (?) | Unknown Comments: Not available. |
Known human health impact? | Not known Comments: Not available. |
Known economic impact? | Not known Comments: Not available. |
Known measurable environmental impact? | Not known Comments: Not available. |
Included in the Target Species list? | No References: HELCOM, 2009. Alien Species and Ballast Water [PDF] Available at: [Accessed 1 July 2024]. |
Association with vessel vectors (?) | Biofouling References: Ulman, A. 2018. Recreational boating as a major vector of spread of nonindigenous species around the Mediterranean (Doctoral dissertation, Sorbonne Université). |
Molecular information | Available NCBI ( |
Created by | Aleksas Narščius, 2020-05-13 |
Last update by | Sandra Gečaitė, 2024-08-06 |