AquaNISInformation system on aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species |
Species | Hypnea musciformis [WoRMS] | |
Authority | (Wulfen) J.V.Lamouroux, 1813 | |
Family | Cystocloniaceae | |
Order | Gigartinales | |
Class | Florideophyceae | |
Phylum | Rhodophyta | |
Synonym (?) | ||
Sub-species level (?) | Not entered |
Native origin (?) | Not entered |
Life form / Life stage (?) |
Sociability / Life stage (?) |
Reproductive frequency (?) | Iteroparous |
Reproductive type (?) | Asexual Sexual References: Smith, J.E., Hunter, C.L., Smith, C.M., 2002. Distribution and reproductive characteristics of nonindigenous and invasive marine algae in the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science, 56(3), pp. 299-315. Comments: The life history of H. musciformis is a triphasic alternation of generations, with isomorphic tetrasporophytes and dioecious gametophytes and a diploid carposporophyte developing on the female gametophyte. the species was found to propagate vegetatively in all size classes examined, with the greatest success observed in the smallest fragments. H. musciformis plants attached by branch hooks to other plants can reach a biomass that results in the majority of the plant being detached from the host plant by wave action or other physical disturbance, leaving the “hooks” behind. These hooks can rapidly regrow into new plants |
Developmental trait (?) | Not entered |
Characteristic feeding method / Life stage (?) |
Mobility / Life stage (?) |
Comments: On hard substrates or entangled on other plants; to 26 m deep. In Hawaii on calm intertidal and shallow subtidal reef flats, tidepools and on rocky intertidal benches; frequently attached to species of Sargassum and Acanthophora spicifera, but also epiphytic on various other algae or directly attached to sandy flat rocks . |
Salinity tolerance range (?) | Venice system: 5. α-Mesohaline [10-18psu] 6. Polymixohaline [18-30psu] 7. Euhaline [30-40psu] References: Jansi, M., Ramadhas, V. 2009. Effect of salinity and dissolved nutrients on the occurrence of some seaweeds in Manakkudy estuary. |
Habitat modifying ability potential (?) | Autogenic ecosystem engineers |
Toxicity / Life stage (?) | Not relevant |
Bioaccumulation association (?) | Anthropogenic chemical compounds References: Siddique, M. A. M., Hossain, M. S., Chakma, B., Islam, M. M., Hossain, M. M., Shazada, N. E., Walker, T. R. 2023. Metal and metalloid bioaccumulation in dried red seaweed Hypnea musciformis and health risk assessment for consumers. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194, 115302. |
Known human health impact? | Known References: Ganesan, M., Thiruppathi, S., Jha, B. 2006. Mariculture of Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux in South east coast of India. Aquaculture, 256(1-4), pp. 201-211. Comments: Hypnea musciformis is an extremely abundant alga that is commercially cultivated throughout its world distribution as a food source and for its kappa carrageenan. |
Known economic impact? | Known References: Ganesan, M., Thiruppathi, S., Jha, B. 2006. Mariculture of Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux in South east coast of India. Aquaculture, 256(1-4), pp. 201-211. Comments: H. musciformis is an economically important seaweed due to its kappaiota carrageenan content, and as a source of different bioactive compounds. |
Known measurable environmental impact? | Known References: Russell, D.J., Balazs, G.H. 1994. Colonization by the alien alga Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J. (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales) in the Hawaiian Islands and its utilization by the green turtle Chelonia mydas L. Aquatic Botany, 47, pp. 53-60. Comments: H. musciformis has become a significant component in the diets of green turtles in Hawaii, sometimes representing close to 100% of the seaweed biomass found in their stomachs. |
Included in the Target Species list? | No References: HELCOM, 2009. Alien Species and Ballast Water [PDF]. Available at: ( |
Association with vessel vectors (?) | Unknown Comments: Dispersal may well have been enhanced by interisland travel with fouled boat hulls. |
Created by | Aleksas Narščius, 2017-09-22 |
Last update by | Sandra Gečaitė, 2024-07-16 |