AquaNISInformation system on aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species |
Species | Marteilia refringens [WoRMS] | |
Authority | Grizel, Comps, Bonami, Cousserans, Duthoit & Le Pennec, 1974 | |
Family | Marteiliidae | |
Order | Paramyxida | |
Class | Ascetosporea | |
Phylum | Cercozoa | |
Synonym (?) | ||
Sub-species level (?) | Not entered |
Native origin (?) | Not known Comments: Not available. |
Life form / Life stage (?) |
References (not structured): Cahour, A. 1979. Marteilia refringens and Crassostrea gigas. Mar. Fish. Rev, 41(1-2), pp. 19-20. Comments: M. refringens is a protozoan parasite of the phylum Cercozoa and order Paramyxida infecting the digestive system of several bivalve species and inducing physiological disorders and eventually death of the animal. |
Sociability / Life stage (?) |
Reproductive frequency (?) | Not known Comments: Not available. |
Reproductive type (?) | Unknown Comments: Not available. |
Developmental trait (?) | Unknown Comments: Not available. |
Characteristic feeding method / Life stage (?) |
Comments: Parasite. |
Mobility / Life stage (?) |
References (not structured): Elgharsalli, R., Aloui-Bejaoui, N., Chollet, B., Joly, J. P., Robert, M., Couraleau, Y., Arzul, I. 2013. Characterization of the protozoan parasite Marteilia refringens infecting the dwarf oyster Ostrea stentina in Tunisia. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 112(2), pp. 175-183. |
Salinity tolerance range (?) | Unknown Comments: Not available. |
Habitat modifying ability potential (?) | Unknown Comments: Not available. |
Toxicity / Life stage (?) | Unknown Comments: Not available. |
Bioaccumulation association (?) | Unknown Comments: Not available. |
Known human health impact? | Known Comments: The causal agent of Marteilia refringens is not a risk to human health. |
Known economic impact? | Known References: Carella, F., Aceto, S., Marrone, R., Maiolino, P., De Vico, G. 2010. Marteilia refringens infection in cultured and natural beds of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) along the Campanian coast (Tirrenian sea, South of Italy). EAFP Bull, 30, pp. 189-196. Comments: Protozoan parasites belonging to genus Marteilia cause the mollusc disease named Marteiliosis. Risk to aquaculture production. |
Known measurable environmental impact? | Known References: Mérou, N., Lecadet, C., Ubertini, M., Pouvreau, S., Arzul, I. 2023. Environmental distribution and seasonal dynamics of Marteilia refringens and Bonamia ostreae, two protozoan parasites of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 13, 1154484. Comments: Marteilia refringens and Bonamia ostreae are protozoan parasites responsible for mortalities of farmed and wild flat oysters Ostrea edulis. |
Included in the Target Species list? | No References: HELCOM, 2009. Alien Species and Ballast Water [PDF]. Available at: ( |
Association with vessel vectors (?) | Not entered |
Molecular information | Available NCBI ( |
Created by | Romualda Chuševė, 2011-11-04 |
Last update by | Sandra Gečaitė, 2024-07-17 |