AquaNISInformation system on aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species |
Species | Orchestia cavimana | |
Date of the first record (?) | 1957 - 1959 References (not structured): Żmudziński L (1957) Zoobenthos of the Vistula Lagoon, Pr. Mor. Inst. Ryb., Gdynia, 9, 453–491, (in Polish). Aristova G I (1973) The benthos of the Vistula and Curonian lagoons of the Baltic Sea and its significance for fish diets, Diss., GosNIIORH, Leningrad. Comments: In the Russian part of SE Baltic Orchestia cavimana occurs in the Vistula lagoon only. At the open coast of the Gulf of Gdansk or in the Curonian Lagoon, the species was not recorded. Also there are no published records of the species in the Curonian Lagoon before the II World War II. In 195O-1960s O. cavimana was first recorded in the Vislula Lagoon list of species both in the eastern (Russian) (Aristova,1973) and western (Polish) (Zhmudzinski, 1957) parts of the Lagoon. In general for the Baltic Sea, Orchestia cavimana (Heller, 1865) was firstly recorded in the Baltic in 1899, in South-west Baltic, at the open coast of Gulf of Gdansk by Seligo (Seligo,1899), than it appeared in Szchecin Lagoon, at the mouth of the River Oder (Odra), from where it has reached the Wolin Island (Urbański J., 1948, Orchestia cavimana Heller 1865 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) na wyspie Wolin, oraz rozmieszczenie tego gatunku na ziemiach polskich, Bad.Fizjogr. Pol. Zach., 1, 170–189.). Only later it was observed in the Vistula Lagoon (Żmudziński 1957) and in the Dead Vistula River (Żmudziński 1990). |
Pathway / Vector (?) | Level of certainty: Possible Pathway: Natural spread from neighboring countries |
Habitat type (?) | Estuary Lagoon Sheltered coastal area References (not structured): Ezhova E.E., Molchanova N.S. 2012 On the occurrence of crustaceans Asellus aquaticus, Idotea chelipes, Lekanesphaera rugicauda, Jaera albifrons (Isopoda) and amphipod orchestia cavimana (Talitridae) in the Vistula lagoon, Baltic Sea. Proc. of conf ""Actual problems of study of crustaceans in the continental waters, 05-09/11/2012.Kostroma Publ. House, С.186-187. Comments: In the Vistula Lagoon O.cavimana ids dwelling in supra-litoral habitat, in wet debris of plants or at the stony beaches. |
Wave exposure (?) | Not entered | |
Salinity range (?) | Not entered | |
Temperature range (?) | Not entered |
Zonation / Substratum (?) | Benthic: Supralittoral Substratum: Artificial (manmade) Biogenic (living or nonliving) |
Reproductive duration (?) | Not entered | |
Reproductive seasonality (?) | Not entered | |
Migration pattern (?) | Not entered |
Population status (?) | Abundant (Moderate level of certainty) References (not structured): Ezhova E.E., Molchanova N.S. 2012 On the occurrence of crustaceans Asellus aquaticus, Idotea chelipes, Lekanesphaera rugicauda, Jaera albifrons (Isopoda) and amphipod orchestia cavimana (Talitridae) in the Vistula lagoon, Baltic Sea. Proc. of conf ""Actual problems of study of crustaceans in the continental waters, 05-09/11/2012.Kostroma Publ. House, С.186-187. Gusev, A.A., Rudinskaya L.V., 2014. Current species composition of zoobenthos inhabiting the Vistula Lagoon and its comparison with the similar data for 1920’s. In: Fisheries and Biological Research by AtlantNIRO in 2010-2013. Vol. 1. The Baltic Sea and Lagoons. Kaliningrad, 2014. Trudy AtlantNIRO, p. 100-122 Comments: Gusev, Rudinskaya, 2014 indicated the presence of O.cavimana at 2 stations out of 18 in the littoral zone of Vistula Lagoon during 2010-2014, but the fact must not be interpreted as a sign of species rarity or not establishing. O.cavimana is dwelling only in a specific biotops at the supralittoral - sheltered, enriched by biogenic mmaterials, used both as a food and a habitat. Due to this reason the species is distributed very locally. Within such a habitatas it is very abundant and could dominate in supralitiral cinmmunities |
Species status (?) | Cryptogenic |
Created by | Sergej Olenin, 2015-06-08 |
Last update by | Greta Srėbalienė, 2016-10-02 |