AquaNISInformation system on aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species |
Species | Penaeus japonicus | |
Date of the first record (?) | 1979 References (not structured): Lumare, F., & Casolino, G. (1986). First record of Penaeus japonicus Bate 1888 (Decapoda, Natantia) along Italian coast. Oebalia, 13(2), 179-183. LUMARE, F., SCORDELLA, G., Pastore, M., Prato, E. R. M. , Zanella, L., Tessarin, C., & Sanna, A. (2000). Gestione dell’allevamento e dinamica ambientale nella gambericoltura semiestensiva di Penaeus japonicus (Decapoda, Penaeide) sulla costa adriatica del nord Italia. Rivista Italiana di Acquacoltura, 35, 15-43. Comments: Valle Bonello in the Po Delta (aquaculture experiments); Lesina Lagoon |
Recipient region (?) | Country: Italy LME: 26. Mediterranean Sea LME sub-region: Adriatic Sea References: Lumare, F., Andreoli, C., Guglielmo, L., Maselli, M. A., Piscitelli, G., Scovecricchi, T., & Tolomio, C. (1987). Trophic community correlations in fertilized ponds for the commercial culture of the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus Bate in the North Adriatic Sea (North-East coast of Italy). Inv. Pesq, 51(Supl 1), 571-585 References (not structured): Stentiford, G. D., & Lightner, D. V. (2011). Cases of white spot disease (WSD) in European shrimp farms. Aquaculture, 319(1), 302-306; Confirmed by R. D'Adamo, pers comm (Imported from Turkey) Lumare F. & Casolino G. (1986) First record of Penaeus japonicus Bate 1888 (Decapoda Natantia) along Italian coast. Oebalia (N.S.) 13: 179-183. Lumare & Palmegiano (1980) Riv Ital Piscic Ittiop, 15: 53-58 Comments: Valli da pesca, Venice Lagoon. It has also been recorded in the regions of Puglia and Molise. |
Source region (?) | Ocean: Indian Ocean: Pacific References: Lumare, F., Andreoli, C., Guglielmo, L., Maselli, M. A., Piscitelli, G., Scovecricchi, T., & Tolomio, C. (1987). Trophic community correlations in fertilized ponds for the commercial culture of the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus Bate in the North Adriatic Sea (North-East coast of Italy). Inv. Pesq, 51(Supl 1), 571-585 Comments: Asian origin. |
Pathway / Vector (?) | Level of certainty: Direct evidence Pathway: Culture activities Vector: Intercontinental stock movement References: Lumare, F., Andreoli, C., Guglielmo, L., Maselli, M. A., Piscitelli, G., Scovecricchi, T., & Tolomio, C. (1987). Trophic community correlations in fertilized ponds for the commercial culture of the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus Bate in the North Adriatic Sea (North-East coast of Italy). Inv. Pesq, 51(Supl 1), 571-585 Comments: Aquaculture, extensive breeding |
Zonation / Substratum (?) | Benthic: Sublittoral beyond photic zone Sublittoral within photic zone References: Lumare, F., Andreoli, C., Guglielmo, L., Maselli, M. A., Piscitelli, G., Scovecricchi, T., & Tolomio, C. (1987). Trophic community correlations in fertilized ponds for the commercial culture of the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus Bate in the North Adriatic Sea (North-East coast of Italy). Inv. Pesq, 51(Supl 1), 571-585 |
Reproductive duration (?) | Not entered | |
Reproductive seasonality (?) | Not entered | |
Migration pattern (?) | Not relevant |
Population status (?) | Established (Low level of certainty) References: Lumare, F., Andreoli, C., Guglielmo, L., Maselli, M. A., Piscitelli, G., Scovecricchi, T., & Tolomio, C. (1987). Trophic community correlations in fertilized ponds for the commercial culture of the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus Bate in the North Adriatic Sea (North-East coast of Italy). Inv. Pesq, 51(Supl 1), 571-585 |
Species status (?) | Non-indigenous species |
Created by | Anna Occhipinti |
Last update by | Agnese Marchini, 2021-02-24 |