Public domain: Introduction events' accounts (50 / 5528)


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Species Recipient region Date of the first record  
Rangia cuneataNetherlandsTo 2005
Rangia cuneataPoland2011
Rangia cuneataRussia / Baltic Sea / Kaliningrad area2010
Rangia cuneataSweden / Baltic Sea2016
Rapana venosaBelgiumTo 2006
Rapana venosaBulgaria1956
Rapana venosaFrance / Biscay Gulf1997
Rapana venosaFrance / Celtic seas1998
Rapana venosaFrance / Western Mediterranean2015
Rapana venosaGeorgia1947
Rapana venosaGreece / Eastern Mediterranean1986
Rapana venosaItaly / Adriatic Sea1973
Rapana venosaItaly / Central MediterraneanTo 2006
Rapana venosaItaly / Western Mediterranean1978
Rapana venosaNetherlands2005
Rapana venosaRomaniaFrom 1961
Rapana venosaRussia / Black Sea1946
Rapana venosaSpain / Iberian Coastal2007
Rapana venosaTurkey / Black Sea1960
Rapana venosaUkraine / Black SeaFrom 1954
Rapana venosaUnited Kingdom (Britain) / North Sea2005
Rastrelliger kanagurtaIsrael1967
Rathkea octopunctataRomaniaFrom 1959
Redicirce sulcataIsrael1970
Reptadeonella violaceaPortugal / Iberian Coastal2012
Reptadeonella violaceaPortugal / MadeiraTo 2013
Reptadeonella violaceaSpain / Canary IslandsTo 2003
Reteporella jermanensisIsrael1974
Retusa desgenettiiIsrael1997
Rhabdosargus haffaraIsrael1991
Rhincalanus sp.Ukraine / Black SeaFrom 1997
Rhinoclavis kochiGreece / Eastern Mediterranean2015
Rhinoclavis kochiIsrael1963
Rhinoclavis sinensisIsrael2003
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiBelgium1985
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiBulgaria1934
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiDenmark / Baltic Sea1953
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiDenmark / North Sea1953
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiEstonia2011
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiFinland2009
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiFrance / Biscay Gulf1955
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiFrance / Celtic seas1959
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiFrance / English Channel1955
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiFrance / North Sea1950
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiFrance / Western MediterraneanTo 2001
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiGermany / Baltic Sea1948 - 1950
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiGermany / North Sea1910 - 1914
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiItaly / Adriatic Sea1993
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiItaly / Western Mediterranean2013
Rhithropanopeus harrisiiLatvia2013