Public domain: Introduction events' accounts (28 / 5528)


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Species Recipient region Date of the first record  
Womersleyella setaceaFrance / Western Mediterranean1987
Womersleyella setaceaGreece / Central Mediterranean2001
Womersleyella setaceaGreece / Eastern Mediterranean1988
Womersleyella setaceaIsrael2015
Womersleyella setaceaItaly / Adriatic Sea1997
Womersleyella setaceaItaly / Central Mediterranean1993
Womersleyella setaceaItaly / Western Mediterranean1986
Womersleyella setaceaSpain / Iberian CoastalTo 2011
Xanthias lamarckiiGreece / Eastern Mediterranean2013
Xenostrobus securisFrance / Western Mediterranean2006
Xenostrobus securisItaly / Adriatic Sea1991
Xenostrobus securisItaly / Western Mediterranean2006
Xenostrobus securisSpain / Iberian Coastal2006
Xylophaga dorsalisGreece / Eastern Mediterranean1800 - 1883
Xylophaga praestansGreece / Eastern Mediterranean1987
Yoldia limatulaBelgiumTo 2020
Yoldia limatulaFrance / English ChannelTo 2021
Yoldia limatulaNetherlands2019
Zafra savignyiIsrael1952
Zafra selasphoraIsrael1976
Zebrasoma xanthurumItaly / Western Mediterranean2015
Zeuxo holdichiFrance / Biscay Gulf1987
Zeuxo holdichiFrance / English Channel1996
Zeuxo holdichiItaly / Adriatic Sea2019
Zeuxo holdichiNetherlands2012
Zopfiella latipesUkraine / Black SeaFrom 2001
Zygoceros rhombusDenmark / Baltic Sea1983
Zygoceros rhombusDenmark / North Sea1983