Comments: Impacts by competing for space and food wit native species (Osca, Crocetta, 2020); adverse effects on native ecosystems and biota (Carlton et al. 2011; Jaberimanesh et al. 2019; Tempesti et al. 2020; Spagnolo et al. 2019).
References: Carlton, J. T., Newman, W. A., & Pitombo, F. B., 2011. Barnacle invasions: introduced, cryptogenic, and range expanding Cirripedia of North and South America. In: Galil BS, Clark PF, Carlton JT (eds), In the Wrong Place-Alien Marine Crustaceans: Distribution, Biology and Impacts. Springer. Pages 159–213.
Jaberimanesh, Z., Oladi, M., Nasrolahi, A., & Ahmadzadeh, F., 2019. Presence of Amphibalanus eburneus (Crustacea, Cirripedia) in Gomishan Wetland: molecular and morphological evidence of a new introduction to the southern Caspian Sea. Reg. Stud. Mar. Sci. 25, 100469.
Tempesti, J., Langeneck, J., Maltagliati, F., & Castelli, A., 2020. Macrobenthic fouling assemblages and NIS success in a Mediterranean port: The role of use destination. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 150, 110768.