Comments: Habitat alteration and displacement of native species (Smaal et al., 2005; Miossec et al., 2009; Padilla, 2010; Herbert et al., 2016).
References: Miossec, L., Le Deuff, R‐M., and Goulletquer, P. 2009. Alien species alert: Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster). ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 299. 42 pp.
Smaal, A., van Stralen, M. and Craeymeersch, J., 2005. Does the introduction of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas lead to species shifts in the Wadden Sea?. In The comparative roles of suspension-feeders in ecosystems (pp. 277-289). Springer, Dordrecht.
Padilla, D.K., 2010. Context-dependent impacts of a non-native ecosystem engineer, the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50(2), pp.213-225.
AquaNIS. Editorial Board, 2015. Information system on Aquatic Non-Indigenous and Cryptogenic Species. World Wide Web electronic publication. Version 2.36+. Accessed 2021-07-27.
Herbert, R.J., Humphreys, J., Davies, C.J., Roberts, C., Fletcher, S. and Crowe, T.P., 2016. Ecological impacts of non-native Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and management measures for protected areas in Europe. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(14), pp.2835-2865.